On a regular basis, the world faces technological changes and advancements in various fields that are built upon the identifiable gaps from the previous technology forms already in use. Technological advancements are greatly credited for the revolution of the manner in which activities are conducted by people, and in most cases, the benefits appear to be outweighing the shortfalls attributed to the new technology (Bonato 2010). The 21st Century has been awash with the springing up of divergent technological advancements in nearly all fields, and most of these are innovations of both individuals and organizations aimed at the enhancement of their prospects. One such organization is Google Inc. with its recent technological innovation in a wearable technology, the Google Glass.While considerations are still being made on positives and negativesof Google Glass, the main question being asked is whether the technology would augment human activities without causing distractions from the real world or not (Patel & Wang 2010). The core of this study shall be in the establishment and discussion of the advantages and constraints of ubiquitous wearable computing such as Google Glass in the contemporary world, and how such devices can be put to constructive use.

Wearable technology such as Google Glass and SmartWatch 2 among others are beneficial in a number of ways to their users. First, the wearables provide the users with a unique intimacy and personalization level that is not associated to that which can be received from smartphones. Subsequently, the technology aids in the delivery of more detailed measurements by virtue that they are mostly used when closely held to the body (Firstenberg& Salas 2014). Wearable technology has enabled the monitoring of one’s health easier, enabled the tracking of daily fitness results and progress and enabled the capturing of amazing video footages in practically all places that one wishes as aided by the action camcorders. For instance, the overview of major challenges that face the medicine practice in the contemporary world can be solved with the presentation of technological solutions such as wearable motherboard (Smart Shirt) to help in preventing the health problems. This acts as a platform with sensors for unobtrusively monitoring the health status of individuals, directly or remotely. Continued evolutions in the wearable technology will further aid in the prevention of injuries from the medical standpoint, besides taking into consideration the aspects of accountability for the users to use it in taking better care of their health (Chang, Wang & You 2010). Google Glass may be one of the numerous inventiveness geared towards wearable clouds for all people that can be applied in enhancing their lives in several ways. It benefits people owing to its appeal it has in bettering their lives. With an initial adoption rate of approximately 18%, Google Glass as a wearable computing is considered a great appeal to users owing to the rich data generation capability that it stores and allows for analysis in the cloud at anytime, anywhere without restrictions(Chang, Wang & You 2010). This use of Google Glasshas also renewed the hopes of users in achieving a focused attention, better interaction, continued enhancement, increased understanding levels, and better brain retention capability. Wearable technology like Google Glass has also been beneficial to the society in the context that it has enhanced the efficiency of surgical operations; hence, aiding in saving lives. Proportionally, about 82% of doctors surveyed in a US study indicated the increased efficiency of their work with the use of the wearable technology as they were able to visualize veins and specific cuts to be made by streaming surgeries and consultations remotely; thus, advancing health care (Bonato 2009). Google Glass also has other beneficial features such as its ability to allow for recording of videos and taking pictures without having to touch the hardware as one only needs to speak commands to the device (Bonato, 2010 August). It also allows for the reading of texts and emails received and replying to them via voice commands, besides allowing for translation of texts into divergent languages. The device also has other aspects of Google such as Google Search and Google Maps integrated into it; thus, enabling quick and easier use of these. Subsequently, the device allows for the integration of live video streaming that can be enjoyed by people far from one’s current location. Generally, to individuals and businesses, the use of wearable technology helps in advancing aspects of safety, security and efficiency (Engin, Demirel, Engin& Fedakar 2005). The technology is also significant in that it is hands-free and can be operated without involvement of the hands, as only voice commands can be used. As such, they provide users with the opportunity to multitask and convenience of applications that make the lives of users enjoyable.

Generally, the structure and context of this study has been on the discussion of the aspect of wearable technology as is currently being adopted on a global scale by individuals and businesses. The study sought to pinpoint to the merits and demerits of adopting and using wearable technology such as Google Glass. It is widely acknowledged that whilst the world seems to be being revolutionized by these technological advancements; hence, aiding in the provision of solutions to dynamic problems of communication, leisure and medical in relation to privacy and security aspects (Rutherford 2010). Therefore, wearable technology or computing would only be considered efficacious for if the identified issues in relation to its constraints are addressed for users to wholly embrace it.